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palace kretzulescu

the pacace (=remote_a kretzulescu palace) designed by the architect remote_a petre antonescu was constructed in 1902. it was initially the residence of princess elena kretzulescu. the building was purchased in 1927 by the romanian government and, over time, it served various purposes. among these it was the office of the presidency of the council of ministers (1928 - 1929) and the museum of religious art (1929 - 1946). since 1972, the palace has been the office of the unesco sepes (centre européen pour l´enseignement supérior), the principal mission of which is the promotion of co-operation in higher education among the member states of the european region,
sauseschritt could read on a board next to the main entrance of the building. though this building in bukarest on stirbei voda is not open to the public, due to several obligations sauseschritt had the opportunity to visit it. yes, it might be early 20 century kitsch, nevertheless it symbolizes the time, when bukarest was called the remote_a little paris of the east.

palace kretzulescu was soll sauseschritt nur sagen: einer der schönsten, freundlichsten und angenehmsten tagungsräume seit langem, und auch noch am rande eines ausgedehnten und sehr gepflegten parkes mitten in bukarest. merci, den freunden aus rumänien!

Quod wrote on 2005.05.08, 22:01:
Little Paris...

twoday.net AGB


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