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lady fotolocation huntsauseschritt may take the opportunity to draw your attention to a new fotogroup on remote_a flickr: remote_a fotolocation hunt.
no doubt, the idea was first raised on remote_a upho, a blog established by remote_a chronistin. nevertheless and due to the low traffic on this site, sauseschritt finally decided to move out and offer this group to a wider audience: currently the group has about 60 members, 4 of them contributing actively to the topic. the aim of the group is the following: get hold of old fotos and try to find the place from where they are taken. take a new one with exactly the same frame. put some explanatory text (location, time, description of image) below them and post here .... currently the group offers motives from vienna, dublin, nyc and tokyo. we are looking forward to more, turin for instance. sauseschritt would like to invite all interested to join this group; you would have to register with flickr.com though, which might not be a bad idea given that you are looking for a fotolog to store and show your fotos efficiently. its free of charge, up to a certain volume.

tut leid, chronistin, daß ich so schmählich dein wertes heim im stich lasse, aber du weißt ja wie das ist. der bloggerin/des bloggers herz strebt immerzu nach traffic und exchange, auch wenn sie/er dabei treulos wird. denn es soll ja ein hype werden!
chronistin wrote on 2005.02.04, 13:43:
no worries
upho hatte ohnehin einen anderen Grundgedanken, und selbst abgesehen davon siecht es mehr als kränklich dahin.

Viel Erfolg mit dem Hype ;) 

twoday.net AGB


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