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zeit, die winterliche starre zu durchbrechen. wie immer sind es die intellektuellen abenteuer, die zum blog drängen und weniger jene in chisinau oder bishkek.

es geschehen eben noch zeichen und wunder, wie etwa das oeuvre von jonathan nossiter, dessen 2001 gedrehtes psychogramm eines ehebruchs und des nicht-loslassen-könnens vom anderen beeindruckend ist. und wie so oft: je älter desto besser: diesmal charlotte rampling!

(...) Adopting the serio-comic visual associations celebrated in Gombrowicz's novel, the film unfolds largely in Athens as an expatriate American businessman struggles to find coherence in his radical "pursuit of happiness". Alec Fenton (Skarsgård) is a happily married man with two children who nonetheless is maintaining a torrid affair with colleague Katherine (Unger). At the start of the film, impelled by signs clearly decipherable to him, he abruptly ends the liaison after voluntarily confessing its existence to his wife Marjorie (Rampling). But after he accidentally runs into Katherine six months later while on a family skiing vacation abroad, he decides to leave his wife and children and return to America with his fated lover. But on learning from Katherine that their meeting was not an accident but a product of her design, he abandons her a second time and rushes back to Athens to try to salvage his family relations. On his return however, he discovers that Marjorie, who works at the US embassy, has taken up with a Greek political activist, Andreas (Dimitri Katalifos), survivor of the US sponsored years of Greek military dictatorship. (...)

die inhaltsangabe in wikipedia mag zunächst ein wenig unspektaktakulär klingen, der film jedoch ist es nicht.

twoday.net AGB


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