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the financial times provides an excellent slideshow on russian elections, taking the example of st. petersburg. this is a recommendation found at robert amsterdam's blog. just click the map to watch and listen.

(...) *Einiges Russland* hat die Parlamentswahl längst als Referendum über Putin missbraucht. Nicht allein die Propaganda der Staatsfernsehkanäle und die Unterdrückung jeglicher unkontrollierbarer Opposition machen die Wahl zu einer Farce, sondern das System Putin selbst, in dem Politik in undurchschaubaren Prozessen hinter den Kremlzinnen und in den ergodynamischen Büros der Polittechnologen entworfen wird. Die öffentliche Teilhabe verkommt zur Illusionsshow. Alle Neuigkeiten aus dem Kreml werden zur nationalen Schicksalsverkündung (...)
berichtet die zeit. and the guardian reports on how voters are forced to do their duty:

(...) The Kremlin is planning to rig the results of Russia's parliamentary elections on Sunday by forcing millions of public sector workers across the country to vote, the Guardian has learned.

Local administration officials have called in thousands of staff on their day off in an attempt to engineer a massive and inflated victory for President Vladimir Putin and his United Russia party. Voters are being pressured to vote for United Russia or risk losing their jobs, their accommodation or bonuses, the Guardian has been told in numerous interviews with byudzhetniki (public sector workers), students and ordinary citizens (...)

twoday.net AGB


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