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Weblog abonnieren
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gartenzwergfoto by georginchen

... at least we assume so. why reach out to the world, better stay at home and enjoy more of the same. is it correct that we are not reaching out, but much more like to stay home ? china herald presents some results on "regional" blogging in china, which may be valid also for europe:

(...) If I remember well, the Chinese research also showed that most blogs would link to other blogs in their own region, rather than to websites elsewhere in China.
I have not seen any research on weblogs in the Netherlands, German or Belgium, but I'm quite sure that there is very little overlap between countries and cultures. Even when people do speak the same language, like the Dutch and a part of the Belgians, that does not mean they really talk to each other.
Despite the technological possibilities, people tend to stay within their own comfort zone. That makes those weblogs who don't even more important (...)

definitely, and sauseschritt will put more effort in it. more of it on danwei.

twoday.net AGB


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