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there is no path to sustainable security except through respect for human rights. the global security agenda promulgated by the US administration is bankrupt of vision and bereft of principle. sacrificing human rights in the name of security at home, turning a blind eye to abuses abroad, and using pre-emptive military force where and when it chooses have neither increased security nor ensured liberty says irene khan, amnesty international?s secretary general, introducing the remote_a organizations international report for 2004.

sauseschritt ist dem remote_a guardian dankbar, der darauf aufmerksam gemacht hat. und hat dann in der spalte österreich nachgesehen und folgenden vermerk von amnesty remote_a gefunden. und sich plötzlich erinnert, davon in letzter zeit gehört zu haben. einfach vergessen .... in may linz district court ruled that a police officer who had verbally abused a black motorist on 31 july 2002, calling him a "shit negro", had not violated his human dignity under austria's criminal code. the court argued that, although the police officer had insulted the man, the insult was directed at the complainant as an individual, "who 'by chance' belongs to the black race and not against the black race as such". an earlier court decision had also rejected the man's complaint.

twoday.net AGB


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