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sauseschritt wrote in this blog about the [patagonian channels ....] but also about the [inside passage ....] it seems that the remote_a hurtigrute covers a very similar and therefore highly interesting landscape. a colleague from norway only recently wrote this to me:
it is defenitly autumn in norway now. the leaves are about to fall off, and in the high mountains there is already some snow. it is getting dark around 7 pm (in the south), so it is not so dark yet. but the coming months towards christmas is the most "difficult" months; maybe because it is getting darker day by day and the snow - which brightens up - often does not arrive before mid / late december.
yes, if you like seafare and northern nature i think a travel with "hurtigruta" (meaning the speedy ship, which follows a set timetable, i.e. hurtig= quick, speedy and rute= squares, meaning here squares in a timetable, could also mean squares in a fabric / tweed etc). i have travelled a short distance with "hurtigruta", from trondheim to harstad, and i thought it was a great experience. some time i would like to go the whole distance, but as you know it takes quite a few days. early spring (march - may) could be a good time of year, before all the tourists come. in the autumn it may be more stormy; in the winter very dark and cold (which also could be somewhat "magical").

wenn die sehnsucht sehr groß wird, kann man/frau kann sogar ein wenig auf der m/s nordkapp remote_a mitreisen, von bergen nach kirkenes in 11 tagen, wobei das schiff 34 häfen anläuft.

ja, tatsächlich, der [anlaß ....] war motivierend genug: hingegangen, remote_a eingekauft, das remote_a gelände erkundet und ihn trotz schwachem wind fliegen gelassen. konsequenz: das wird öfter gemacht und daher in einem eigenen ordner gebloggt!
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